Abha Shine

Abha Shine

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IGNOU BDP EEC 7 E-Gyankosh Books

IGNOU BDP EEC 7 E-Gyankosh Books

IGNOU EEC 7 Industrial Development in India Books

  • UNIT 01 Industry and Economic Development
  • UNIT 02 Industry and Sectoral Linkages
  • UNIT 03 Industrial Classification and Sources of Data
  • UNIT 04 Globalisation and Indian Industry
  • UNIT 05 International Competitiveness of Indian Industry
  • UNIT 06 Privatisation and Issues Relating to Disinvestment Policy
  • UNIT 07 Industrial Structure at the Time of Independence
  • UNIT 08 Industrial Policy (Post-independence)
  • UNIT 09 New Industrial Policy and Economic Reforms
  • UNIT 10 Industrial Growth and Patter
  • UNIT 11 Significance of Size
  • UNIT 12 Major Large Scale Industries
  • UNIT 13 Small Scale Industries
  • UNIT 14 Public,Private,Joint and Cooperative Sectors
  • UNIT 15 Private Corporate Sector
  • UNIT 16 MNCs and its Growing Role
  • UNIT 17 Industrial Competition and Monopoly
  • UNIT 18 Corporate Governance
  • UNIT 19 Concept and Measurement of Productivity
  • UNIT 20 Productivity in Indian Industries
  • UNIT 21 Industrial Sickness
  • UNIT 22 Under-utilisation of Capacity
  • UNIT 23 Industrial Pricing and Market Structure
  • UNIT 24 Pricing in India
  • UNIT 25 Financing Through Equity
  • UNIT 26 Financing through Debt
  • UNIT 27 Industrial Financial Institutions
  • UNIT 28 Location of Industries
  • UNIT 29 Dispersion and Regional Imbalance
  • UNIT 30 Employment Dimensions of Indian Industry
  • UNIT 31 Industrial Legislation
  • UNIT 32 Industrial Relations
  • UNIT 33 Exit Policy and Social Security
  • UNIT 34 Wages and Problems of Bonus


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