Abha Shine

Abha Shine

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IGNOU MEG MEG 4 E-Gyankosh Books

IGNOU MEG MEG 4 E-Gyankosh Books

IGNOU MEG 4 Aspects of Language Books

  • UNIT 01 The Study of Words
  • UNIT 01 Basic Notions of Syntactic Constituents and Phrase Structure 5
  • UNIT 01 Introduction to Sociolinguistics
  • UNIT 01 Multilingual Use of codes
  • UNIT 01 Variation And Varieties
  • UNIT 01 Language Variation- the context of Situation
  • UNIT 02 Word-formation in English-I
  • UNIT 02 Types of Clauses and Sentences
  • UNIT 02 Speech Community and Multilingualism
  • UNIT 02 Language Planning
  • UNIT 02 Consolidation and Standardization of English
  • UNIT 02 The Connection between Linguistics,Literary Criticism and Stylistics
  • UNIT 03 Looking at Data-II
  • UNIT 03 Word-formation in English-II
  • UNIT 03 Grammatical Punctions,Cases,and Thematic Roles
  • UNIT 03 Bilingualism
  • UNIT 03 Conversational Analysis
  • UNIT 03 The Spread and Rise of Englishes
  • UNIT 03 Style and Content
  • UNIT 04 Changes in Grammar
  • UNIT 04 Word-formation in English-III
  • UNIT 04 The Syntax of Inflectional Elements:Tense & Agreement
  • UNIT 04 Language Standardization
  • UNIT 04 Learner Factors in Second Language Acquisition-I
  • UNIT 04 Indian English
  • UNIT 04 Analysing Texts-I
  • UNIT 05 Pronouns,Reflexives,and Other Bound Elements
  • UNIT 05 Pronouns,Reflexives,and Other Bound Elements
  • UNIT 05 Learner Factors in Second Language Acquisition-II
  • UNIT 05 Analysing Texts-II
  • UNIT 06 Syntax of Scope:Adverbs,Quantifiers,and Negation
  • UNIT 06 Analysing Texts-III


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