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Abha Shine

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IGNOU MEG MEG 5 E-Gyankosh Books

IGNOU MEG MEG 5 E-Gyankosh Books

IGNOU MEG 5 Literary Criticism and Theory Books

  • UNIT 01 Features of Feminist Criticism
  • UNIT 01 Roots:New Criticism and Structuralism
  • UNIT 01 Some Basic Issues
  • UNIT 01 Literature,Criticism and Theory
  • UNIT 01 Features of Classical Criticism
  • UNIT 01 Plato on Imitation and Art
  • UNIT 01 Romanticism
  • UNIT 01 I.A.Richards
  • UNIT 01 Marxism and Literature
  • UNIT 02 Society and History:Marxist View
  • UNIT 02 Mary Wollstonecraft:A Vindication of the Rights of woman
  • UNIT 02 Beginning Deconstruction
  • UNIT 02 Postmodernism:The Basics
  • UNIT 02 Overview of Western Critical Thought
  • UNIT 02 Plato on Imitation and Art
  • UNIT 02 Words Worth:Preface to the Lyrical Ballads
  • UNIT 02 T.S.Eliot
  • UNIT 03 Representing and Critiquing SOCIETY:Superstructures
  • UNIT 03 Virginia Woolf:A Room of One’s Own
  • UNIT 03 Implications
  • UNIT 03 Psychoanalysis:Freud and Lacan
  • UNIT 03 Twentieth Century Developments
  • UNIT 03 Aristotle’s Theory of Imitation
  • UNIT 03 Coleridge:Biographia Literaria
  • UNIT 03 F.R.Leavis
  • UNIT 04 Commitment in Literature
  • UNIT 04 Simone de Beauvoir:The Second Sex
  • UNIT 04 Deconstructing Poetry
  • UNIT 04 Postcolonial Theory:Said,Spivak and Bhabha
  • UNIT 04 The Function of Criticism
  • UNIT 04 Aristotle’s Theory of Tragedy-I
  • UNIT 04 P.B.Shelley:A Defiance of Poetry
  • UNIT 04 John Crowe Ransom and Cleanth Brooks
  • UNIT 05 Autonomy in Literature
  • UNIT 05 Elaine Showalter:‘Feminist Criticism in the Wilderness’
  • UNIT 05 Deconstructing Drama
  • UNIT 05 Indian Aesthetics
  • UNIT 05 Aristotle’s Theory of Tragedy-II
  • UNIT 05 W.K.Wimsatt
  • UNIT 06 Literature and Ideology
  • UNIT 06 Feminist Concerns in India Today
  • UNIT 06 Re-Assessing Deconstruction
  • UNIT 06 Literary Criticism and Theory:A Summing Up
  • UNIT 06 Resistance to Theory/How to Read a Reader
  • UNIT 06 Criticism as Dialogue
  • UNIT 06 Conclusion


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