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IGNOU MTM MTM 3 E-Gyankosh Books IGNOU MTM MTM 3 E-Gyankosh Books
IGNOU MTM 3 Managing Personnel in Tourism Books
- UNIT 01 Functions and Operations of a Personnel Office
- UNIT 02 Recruitment and Selection
- UNIT 03 Induction and Placement
- UNIT 04 Staff Training and Development
- UNIT 05 Motivation and Productivity
- UNIT 06 Employee Motivation and Job Enrichment
- UNIT 07 Career Planning
- UNIT 08 Performance Monitoring and Appraisal
- UNIT 09 Transfer,Promotion and Reward Policies
- UNIT 10 Employee Counselling
- UNIT 11 Discipline,Suspension,Retrenchment and Dismissal
- UNIT 12 Employee Grievance Handling
- UNIT 13 Compensation and Salary Administration
- UNIT 14 Laws and Rules Governing Employee Benefits and Welfare
- UNIT 15 Gender and Other Related Issues in Tourism